HIV Early Symptoms’ Virus and Periods

How HIV early symptoms appear?

HIV early symptoms usually not even appear to some people become infected by HIV. One only certain symptom is people get flu kind of illness after they get infected by virus, and this happen around 3 until 6 weeks after it. Lymph nodes which being enlarge at systems of immunes such as at groin, armpits and neck, diarrhea, nausea, tiredness, headache, and fever, all of these diseases used to be named classified as acute HIV syndrome. Viral infection or those symptoms are possible to be mistaken to one another. Meanwhile those symptoms usually occur around a week or month.

Virus in HIV early symptoms period

HIV early symptoms have period which makes virus spreads into many parts of body and that amount of virus is quite in high level, especially inside lymphoid tissue. Infections which passed from victims to another person has been performed during this kind of stage. Immune system of body doing its fight while viral quantity going down after the previous stage. For few years, severe or even constant symptoms will not yet occur even more than decade. Meanwhile for the children born with virus, symptoms will appear in two years. This certain period of infection may appear different at one individual to another individual that usually called asymptomatic.


    Free from HIV early symptoms

    It’s possible that in few months some people could begin to have symptoms while the others possible to be free from any of symptoms, even could until around 10 years. Still, virus will kill cells, infecting and multiplying then destroying immune system. WBC or white blood cell will be attacked once virus get into human body, and this is called CD4 or anotehr used to call T4 cells. It’s cell which actually primary fighter for body to face virus or disease from outside of body.

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