HIV Positive Symptoms’ Causes and Flu-like

What cause hiv positive symptoms?

Hiv positive symptoms caused by HIV which is actually kind of disease with chronic lifelong. The main cause of this disease is HIV or human immunodeficiency which possible to be infected through breast feeding from mother that infected by HIV to her child and that this child might get infected, mother to her newly childbirth might get infected if mother infected by HIV, infection through blood contaminated with blood of HIV victims, needles which possible to be contaminated thus it’s prompted that medical practitioners need to always use new needles, and contaminated through sexual intercourse.

Few people that suffer from positive HIV virus, might possible to have asymptomatic for around 10 years. And after that still possible to get infected along with passing this diease to other people. And so does this article is written so that you’ll know about hiv positive symptoms. Signs of hiv positive symptoms are including later infection, skin picking, rash and symptoms like you’re just having flu. According to researches, you’ll have no symptom at all when you first get infected by HIV. And after that you’ll get symptoms just like you’re having regular flu, and this can last for about 2 until 4 weeks.

Flu-like on hiv positive symptoms


    There are hiv positive symptoms which appear like a flu and that including sore throat, lymph glands which swollen, headache, fatigue and fever as well. These kind of symptoms possible to be diagnosis as regular flu. And after that victims used to have rash for some time of the seroconversion, which this regularly happen at 2 until 3 weeks after the usual infection. Dark in color, small and raised might be the color of these rashes. It’s regularly appear at trunk of body but might be occur as a present of feet and hands which not the whole people seriously thought about experiences of early phases at HIV infection.

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