Silent Reflux Symptoms and Possible Treatments

How do we recognize Silent Reflux symptoms?

Silent reflux symptoms> are sometimes mixed up with the symptoms of laryngopharyngeal reflux. This is possibly since the dysfunction is the same, which is the (reflux) backing up of the contents of the stomach. Silent reflux symptoms do not include spitting up and burn sensation in the lower chest, which is found in laryngopharyngeal reflux. The case makes either silent reflux symptoms are hard or easy to recognize. Simply by experiencing the heartburn and spitting up, you can figure out whether the cases are included in silent reflux symptoms or the other dysfunction mentioned.

Baby silent reflux symptoms

Surprisingly, approximately 20 % of babies in the first nine months are suffering silent reflux symptoms. This is common since during the initial months of growth; the metabolism functions are not built completely or perfectly. Anyway, the problems will gradually resolve after the baby reaches one-year old; you can rest assure that the silent reflux symptoms will be gone itself. However, a good knowledge about the symptoms will put you to good handling attitude to prevent worse cases from happening. The next passage will outline some of the most common baby silent reflux symptoms suffered.


    Commonly found silent reflux symptoms

    Some of the most common baby silent reflux symptoms are including sleepless night, avoiding meal, gulping with painful look, constantly coughing, neck arching and sour breath. Some of the mentioned symptoms are caused by burnt throat as the stomach contents go up to the throat and come down again. Sometimes babies suddenly wake up at night caused by the pain. If you think that your babies are suffering silent reflux symptoms and they keep on happening until the babies reach 12 months or up, you should immediately consult a doctor. Since it is hard to make the correct diagnose, you should pay more attention and deliver the report in details to the doctor to be able to give the proper treatments to the silent reflux symptoms suffered.

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