Causes of Seizures in Dogs to Know

There are some causes of seizure in dogs. Before defining the causes of it, you need to know what seizure is. The definition of it is electric discharges which are not normal happened in the brain. You can know that your dog gets this problem from the symptoms appeared. The symptoms are collapse, reflex muscle movement, and also throwing up and loss of awareness. You also have to know the causes of seizures in dogs symptoms of the disease. Dogs are a part of the members of your family. You should know everything happens to them including the symptoms seizures in dog. After you are positive that your dog gets that problem, you had better to go to your veterinarian to ask some treatments for the dogs. After that, the vet will tell you the possible causes of seizures in dogs.

The causes of seizure in dogs are defined into two types. They are internal and external factors. For external factor, experiencing toxins is able to be a cause of the disease of the dog. The possible toxins are rat poisons, flea powder, chocolate, snail bait, whack bait, tick repellents, and also lead. Some dogs will be really sensitive with it. However, if your dogs are not that sensitive, those toxins become no problem. That depends on the sensitivity of dogs.

Getting injuries in the head is one of external causes that might be happen to your dogs. It becomes common causes of seizure in dogs. The injuries are able to disrupt electrical activities in your dogs’ brain. After weeks or months, your dog gets that trauma, a seizure may come. Another injury that is able to be a cause of the disease is a jiffy bite. If you find that mark, you have to be aware. That is because Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease will be transmitted by the bite throughout the saliva. Those diseases mentioned before are able to be a cause of seizure.

Then, let us move to the internal factors. There are some internal causes of seizure in dogs. Those causes are brain tumor, epilepsy, distemper, liver disease, hypoglycemia, renal disease, and hypoxia. To know more about the condition of your dog, you should go to your veterinarians. The vets will help you to overcome the problem.

Some steps will be asked for you to do by the vets. First, you should be calm and let it be since the disease is not fatal. Second, you have to move your dogs to the safer place. Third, you have to clean the dogs’ mouth so that you are able to avoid that your dog’s bite themselves. That is able to minimize the causes of seizure in dogs.

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