Herpes Symptoms You Need to Know

Many people do not know whether they have certain disease or not because they do not know the symptoms of each disease and tend to ignore it. They underestimate the symptoms and continue to do their activities as usual. Herpes is one of dangerous disease that may attack human body and usually people do not know if they get this disease. It is because people do not know the herpes symptoms and tend to ignore it. There are so many herpes symptoms that must be known by people.

Herpes is usually developed within 2 to 20 days after contact. You should be aware whenever you get a contact with the herpes patient because you can also have a possibility to get this disease in the next 20 days. People will do not know if they are getting this disease because it maybe so mild and goes unnoticed. In the first attack of this disease, sometimes it causes visible sores. You should really notice with it when you are suddenly get sores check to the doctor to make sure if you do not get herpes.

Herpes symptoms will really appear in last between 10-21 days. People can see the herpes during this time duration because the herpes virus develops during this time.


    Since herpes is quite dangerous disease, you should really notice about this kind of disease. Herpes can also make the skin red and more sensitive when the herpes virus gets into skin cells and start to multiply and reproduces itself. There are also other herpes symptoms such as headache, fever, urination, swollen lymph glands, vaginal or penis discharge, lower back pain, a burning sensation in the genitals, small red bumps, muscle ache, painful inflamed blisters in the infected area, and lower back pain. When you get these herpes symptoms, you should be aware and start to contact your doctor for the treatment.

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