The Cause of Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreas is important part of human organ in the body. It is used for neutralize toxin in the human body. Can you imagine how if your pancreas does not work or get trouble for example you get pancreas cancer? Most people do not notice about the condition of their body mainly the condition of their organs in their body. They just realize after they know that they are suffer a certain disease. Usually, disease is caused by human itself for example the wrong eating pattern when they are young. They eat wrong food and not regularly every day. After they get pancreatic cancer, they just realize with their mistake when they are young.
There are several possibilities that can make pancreatic cancer in the human body. First is the age factor. People around 60 years or more are potential to get pancreatic cancer as the result f their eating pattern when they are young. The next factor is gender. Male sex is tending to suffer pancreatic cancer greater rather than females. Around 30% male sexes suffer pancreatic cancer greater than females. Smoking is also influence someone getting pancreatic cancer. Cigarette smoking has a ratio of 1.74 with regard to pancreatic cancer; a decade of nonsmoking after heavy smoking is also associated with a risk ratio of 1.2. High diet in sugar sweetened drinks (soft drinks) can also influence the pancreatic cancer. The common soft drink sweetener fructose has been linked to growth of pancreatic cancer cells.
The family history is also determining someone having pancreatic cancer or not. 5-10% of pancreatic cancer patients have a family of history of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has been associated with the some syndromes such as autosomal recessive ataxia-telangiectasia and autosomal dominantly inherited mutations in the BRCA2 tumor suppressor gene that can cause tumor in the human body.
There are several possibilities that can make pancreatic cancer in the human body. First is the age factor. People around 60 years or more are potential to get pancreatic cancer as the result f their eating pattern when they are young. The next factor is gender. Male sex is tending to suffer pancreatic cancer greater rather than females. Around 30% male sexes suffer pancreatic cancer greater than females. Smoking is also influence someone getting pancreatic cancer. Cigarette smoking has a ratio of 1.74 with regard to pancreatic cancer; a decade of nonsmoking after heavy smoking is also associated with a risk ratio of 1.2. High diet in sugar sweetened drinks (soft drinks) can also influence the pancreatic cancer. The common soft drink sweetener fructose has been linked to growth of pancreatic cancer cells.