What are the Vulvar Cancer Symptoms?
Vulvar cancer is a type of cancer which attacks the outer part, the fatty one, of the vagina. It is one of the curable cancers because it is easy to detect the cancer so that quick medication procedures can be made. To detect vulvar cancer, women need to know what the vulvar cancer symptoms are. This article helps women to know the symptoms of this type of cancer so that they will be able to proceed in to medication if they find the symptoms happen on them. The first common symptom of vulvar cancer is a lump or bump in vulva which develops in months and not heals. Some of them are painful and some of them are not. When you find this happens to you, you might want to contact a doctor to ask for further information.
The lump then will develop to be itchy and sore as the lump develops. In the later stage it might also bleed because the cancer breaks in to the skin. Some of them might also scant. In some cases, vulvar cancer also involves the swelling of lymph gland. Non-swelling lymph gland, however, might still indicate that the glands have been affected by cancer as well. Other vulvar cancer symptoms are urinary and bowel problems when the cancer has invaded the urethra, bladder, and rectum.
In some research, as much as 20% of the vulvar cancer patients do not suffer vulvar cancer symptoms until their sickness has been detected. Some other extensions of vulvar cancer symptoms include back pain, bone pain, and nervous problems if the cancer has spread widely. To prevent vulvar cancer, there is nothing can be assuring. However, preventing self from STDs is one of the best ways to keep you away from diseases and any possible vaginal cancers that might be triggered by STDs.
The lump then will develop to be itchy and sore as the lump develops. In the later stage it might also bleed because the cancer breaks in to the skin. Some of them might also scant. In some cases, vulvar cancer also involves the swelling of lymph gland. Non-swelling lymph gland, however, might still indicate that the glands have been affected by cancer as well. Other vulvar cancer symptoms are urinary and bowel problems when the cancer has invaded the urethra, bladder, and rectum.