Hair removal laser treatment advantage and side effects

There are lots of hair treatment provide by the hair treatment places in the world. One of them is hair removal laser treatment. Although this treatment is call laser treatment, no laser is use in this treatment. They use intense pulsed light which technically is not laser, and some chemical medicine for this treatment. One of the chemical medicines used in this treatment is Melanin. Melanin is a medicine to give your hair a new and natural color. There are two types of Melanin, black melanin and brown melanin.

Hair removal laser treatment becomes popular because of the speed and efficiency for people to change their hair color. The effect of this laser treatment is basically depends on the skill and ability of the person who helps you to do this laser treatment. If you want to get a better and optimal result on this process, it is good for you to consult with your doctor first and then go to reliable hair treatment place to do this laser treatment. This treatment is not cheap but the price is equal with the result and beauty is not cheap nowadays.

Although this is expensive treatment, there are some bad effects on your hair when you do this hair laser treatment especially if you do it more than one time. The common effects appear after do this laser treatment is itchy on your head skin and redness around the treatment area. The result of this laser treatment is not always good. Sometimes, hyper-pigmentation can appear as the result. You will not get a new hair color you want but your head skin will be burn and get infection on that burning area. To increase the chance to success in this process, usually the doctor or hair treatment person will use some hair removal gel first before they start this process to your hair.


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