Several treatments for Spinal Meningioma

Spinal meningioma is a kind of tumor that attack human brain and also included in dangerous tumor. Meningioma is the second most common neoplasm of the central nervous system. Spinal meningioma is a benign tumor but it can be malignant if the patient does not treat it intensively. People need spinal meningioma treatment which can cure the tumor in order it is not to be malignant and kill them.

There are several treatments for this kind of tumor such as observation, surgical resection, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Observation is needed to know the condition of this tumor inside human brain. It can control the growth of tumor and also give prevention in order spinal meningioma is not growth to the last stage which can kill the patient. The doctor may use observation with close imaging follow-up that can be used in select cases if meningioma is asymptomatic and small. Spinal meningioma treatment can be done with surgery resection. It has four grades of surgery resection which are different each other.

Surgery resection grade I will complete remove the underlying bone and associated dural. The grade II of surgery resection will complete removal and coagulation of dural attachment. Grade III of surgery resection include complete removal without resection of dura or coagulation. And grade IV will do subtotal resection. Radiation therapy is also effective as the spinal meningioma treatment. It may include photon beam and proton beam to treat the patient. It is suggested for surgery in small tumor located away from critical structures.


    Radiation therapy is also considered for WHO grade I meningiomas after subtotal tumor resection. Spinal meningioma treatment can also be done with chemotherapy. It is the easiest way to treat spinal meningioma for people. But, chemotherapy is likely not effective enough to cure spinal meningioma totally. Many doctors do not suggest this treatment because it will useless for the patient.

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