What are the symptoms of mumps?

Types of Thyroid Disease

There are two types of goiter, which diffuse goiter and nodules. This grouping is based on the texture of the lump.
Bumps on the diffuse goiter feels smooth to the touch. While on goiter nodule, lump feels uneven and lumpy. The uneven surface caused by the presence of one or more small pimple that is solid or fluid-filled lumps.

Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Not all patients experience symptoms of mumps. If there is an indication that appears, formation of an abnormal lump in the neck is the main symptom of this condition.
Mumps lump size varies in each patient. Small-sized lumps that usually do not cause any symptoms. Nevertheless, the lump can affect breathing and cause difficulty in swallowing if the patient increases.

Other symptoms include swelling that generally accompanies throat tightness, change in voice (eg hoarse), coughing, and difficulty breathing and swallowing.

If you feel the above symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor. Especially for patients with lumps that continues to grow and have difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Causes of Mumps

Mumps is sometimes hard to find the cause because it is very diverse. But there are some general factors that can trigger the disease. Among others are:

Hyperthyroidism and hipotirodisme. Mumps can occur due to excessive performance of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or decrease (hypothyroidism). Both will lead to swelling of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is generally caused by Graves' disease. While hypothyroidism can be triggered by a lack of iodine or Hashimoto's disease. Hashimoto's disease and Graves' disease is an autoimmune condition.

Iodine deficiency. Thyroid gland needs iodine to produce thyroid hormones. These substances can be found in fish, oysters, seaweed, cereals, grains, and dairy cows. Due to lack of iodine, the thyroid gland's performance will decline and swelling. Smoke Tobacco smoke contains compounds that thiocyanate may affect the body's ability to utilize iodine

In addition to the above general causes, mumps may also occur as a result of the following things:

ü  The existence of nodules in the thyroid gland.
ü  The influence of thyroid cancer.
ü  Inflammation of the thyroid gland due to viral infection, bacteria, or certain drugs.
ü  Excessive levels of iodine in the body.
ü  Hormonal changes due to puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.
ü  Radiation exposure, for example while undergoing radiotherapy.
ü  Effect of lithium drugs are commonly used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.
ü  Risk Factors Thyroid Disease

Mumps can affect anyone, but there are some factors that can increase a person's risk for developing this disease. Trigger factors include:
Age. Mumps risk increases with age. Gender. Women have a higher risk than men. Heredity. Having a family member who suffered from thyroid cancer or autoimmune diseases will increase the risk of thyroid disease. Drugs such as amiodarone and immunosuppressant’s. Pregnancy and menopause. The risk of thyroid disorders increases when women are pregnant or menopause, but the cause is not known with certainty.

Mumps Disease Diagnosis Process
The thyroid gland is swollen generally can be seen by a doctor through a simple physical examination. This examination allows the doctor to detect the size and texture of the bump. Type diffuse goiter or nodules can also be seen through this examination.
Patients will also be asked to undergo thyroid function evaluation to ascertain the cause behind swollen glands. This examination is done through a blood test to measure levels of the hormone T3, T4, and TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone or thyroid stimulating hormone). TSH hormone produced by the pituitary gland located in the brain.

High thyroid hormone levels indicate hyperthyroidism. While low levels of thyroid hormone and TSH high would indicate that the patient suffered from hypothyroidism.

There are some other tests done to provide more detailed information about the patient's condition, the thyroid scan, ultrasound, and biopsy.

The process involves a radioactive isotope thyroid scan to check the size and type of thyroid lump. Therefore, this test should be avoided by pregnant women.

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