Wrong Opinion about Estrogen for Lung Health
Lung holds a very important role on metabolism. Lung controls the circulation of oxygen and other materials that enter the body through the respiratory system. The health of this organ is affected by so many factors, including hormonal factors. Women, who have taken hysterectomy usually, feel worry about their lung because there is opinion among our society that it can increase the risk of lung cancer. Actually, it is incorrect. There are no evidences shows that estrogen causes lung cancer after hysterectomy. Even, there are researchers found that estrogen for lung health is possibly done without containing serious risks. It means, if the amount of estrogen increases, it does not make women enter a risky portal to lung cancer.
Previous research found, using estrogen and progestin therapy produced conflicting results. There is no evidences show the influence of estrogen if it is used alone. There are some different arguments about estrogen for lung health. Some people among us said that estrogen gives wider chance to lung cancer to enter. According to various sources, it is incorrect because estrogen alone produced one more death of caused by lung cancer than placebo pills. It has been collected into statistics in last eight years.
According to the fact above, now we do not have to worry to take estrogen hormonal therapy because it is safe. Estrogen is still the most make sense therapy can be taken for post-hysterectomy. The number of women who died after taking estrogen therapy is not because of lung cancer. For more information and the details about estrogen for lung health, we can make consultation to our doctors. Ask them if there are risks, we have to load if we take estrogen therapy. So, we do not have to afraid now about estrogen therapy because commonly, it does not cause any serious problem to its users.
Previous research found, using estrogen and progestin therapy produced conflicting results. There is no evidences show the influence of estrogen if it is used alone. There are some different arguments about estrogen for lung health. Some people among us said that estrogen gives wider chance to lung cancer to enter. According to various sources, it is incorrect because estrogen alone produced one more death of caused by lung cancer than placebo pills. It has been collected into statistics in last eight years.