Be careful of the rainy season in 2017, staking recognize flu symptoms, prevention and treatment

A cold is a mild infection in the nose, sinus tract, throat, and upper respiratory tract due to virus attacks. Colds can be experienced by anyone, from children to adults. Someone who is sick with colds may experience symptoms such as:

The nose is constantly removing nasal secretions
*      Frequent sneezing
*      Frequent coughing
*      Breathing is not smoothly (the nose feels clogged)
*      Malaise
*      Hoarseness

Colds Incubation period of the virus causes colds usually last for 2-3 days. Incubation period is the time needed by the virus to cause symptoms after it infects the body. Most sufferers will experience symptoms of severe colds and very disturbing after 2-3 days of its appearance (after the incubation period). To make it clearer, please see scheme below.

The virus enters → incubation (2-3 days) → symptoms appear → Peak severity of symptoms (2-3 days) → Symptoms fade recover to recover total (time varies)

Toddlers tend to experience symptoms of colds last longer than children who are on it or adults. Colds in toddlers can take ten days to two weeks, while in children aged over five years old or adults normally takes a week to ten days (except for symptoms of coughing that can last 2-3 weeks).

Children are more vulnerable and more exposed to the cold than adults. It is estimated the children could experience as much as 8-12 times a year, while adults only 2-4 times.

The symptoms mentioned above is the main symptom of a cold. In addition, there are also other symptoms that rarely accompanies, among them:

o     Headache
o     Fever
o     The reduced power of smell and taste
o     Itchy throat
o     Throat pain
o     Like there is pressure on the face and ears
o     Watery eyes
o     Ear pain
o     Muscle pain
o     Body aching
o     Lost appetite
o     Causes Of Common Cold

Human rhinovirus (HRV) are a group of viruses that cause most colds. In addition to the virus, the disease can also be caused by an adenovirus, coronavirus, human parainfluenza viruses (HPIV), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

The virus enters into the human body through the nose, mouth, or eyes even before Incubation and cause symptoms. The entry of the virus can occur unintentionally when sipping a cold sufferer salivary spark in the air emitted through sneezing or coughing. In addition, the virus also can go when someone is holding the body of the sufferer colds or surface contaminated objects containing salivary spark viral colds, then the hand holding the nose, mouth, or eyes myself.

Following a number of factors that can increase the risk of getting colds, among them:

In the middle of a crowd of people (in the market, school, Office, or public transport)
ü     Have a low immune system
ü     Have a history of chronic disease
ü     Age of children
ü     Smoke
ü     Cold air
ü     Treatment Of Colds

A cold is a viral infection which belongs to light. When experiencing a runny nose, a person or children is recommended to rest with enough, consuming foods rich in fiber and low in fat, as well as drink plenty of plain water to replace fluids lost from the body due to the nose that constantly removing nasal secretions or body who often sweats.

Whereas to relieve symptoms of colds, there are several ways that can be done, including:

1.   Applying balm. This way may relieve symptoms of colds, especially in infants and toddlers. Sweep a balm on your back or chest, and do not get into the nostrils because besides feels poignant, can also interfere with the path of your breath.
2.   Eating candy containing menthol and gargle with salt water. The second way is believed to help relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion and throat pain.
3.   Shed solution of salt into the nose. This way may relieve symptoms of nasal congestion as well as launch a breathing, especially in infants and children.
4.    Supplements of zinc and vitamin c. both ways it is believed can decrease the severity of symptoms and speed healing colds if directly applied when symptoms of colds recently appeared.
5.   Taking medications that can be bought in pharmacies. To relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion, try to consume medicines containing decongestants. Whereas to relieve fever, and aches, pain reliever medication use ibuprofen or paracetamol. Although sold in pharmacies you must still abide by the rules. It is important to read the usage instructions printed on the packaging (or when you need to ask a pharmacist or a doctor) because most of these drug products are not suitable given to babies, children, pregnant or nursing women, as well as on those who are suffering from certain conditions.

Additional tips to help relieve symptoms of Colds in children
Keep the room temperature to keep it comfortable for children. Warm and humid temperatures can help relieve breathing. Take your child to the bathroom.

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