Understanding Gastroenteritis symptoms and how to prevent it recognize

Gastroenteritis is an infection that occurs in the intestines or bowels caused by some type of virus. This condition is also known as the stomach flu, stomach flu, or stomach virus. This infection causes the onset of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and sometimes fever.

Gastroenteritis are spread through close contact with people who are already infected, or by consuming food and/or drinks are contaminated. This infection spreads easily in a closed public facilities, such as in the classroom, where child care and general maintenance.

Gastroenteritis rarely cause complications in people who are healthy overall body condition, and the sufferer will generally recover fully. But, the condition is potentially fatal and even deadly, if it happens in infants, the elderly, and people with problems with the immune system of the body.

Symptoms in Gastroenteritis

The symptoms would appear between 1-3 days after you are infected. The severity of the symptoms range from mild to severe. These symptoms will last for 1-2 days, but it could be up to 10 days. Gastroenteritis attack the intestine in humans, so the symptoms that appear are the following:
Pains and stomach cramps.

Watery diarrhea but not mixed with blood. If diarrhea already mixed blood, infection that occurs may be different and more severe.
Ø  Nausea and vomiting.
Ø  Loss of appetite.
Ø  Weight loss.
Ø  Sometimes appears fever, headaches, and muscle pain.

Here are some symptoms in adults are quite severe and should soon get the handling of the doctor.
Ø     Vomiting blood.
Ø     Liquid drunk could not be withheld until vomiting each time after drinking.
Ø     Vomiting more than 48 hours.
Ø     A fever above 40 degrees Celsius.
Ø     Experience dehydration symptoms such as less urination and a dry mouth.
Ø     Defecation accompanied by blood.

Symptoms in infants and children to look out for and have to immediately get the handling of the doctor are:
Ø     Lethargy.
Ø     Diarrhea accompanied by blood.
Ø     High fever.
Ø     Feel very uncomfortable or in pain.
Ø     Is dehydrated. The frequency of urination and urine volume decreases drastically, crying without tears and a dry mouth.

The Cause of The Occurrence Of Gastroenteritis

There are many different kinds of viruses that can cause gastroenteritis. Two types of virus that became the most common causes are:

Ø     Rotavirus. The virus is transmitted through the mouth tend to infect infants and children because children often insert finger or other contaminated objects into his mouth. Adults who are infected with a virus of this type may not feel any symptoms, but they can still pass it on small children or babies.
Ø     Norovirus. This type of virus can infect anyone at any age, whether adults or children. Most cases of food poisoning that occurs worldwide caused by this virus. Some of the common virus is a classroom or school, boarding school or campus, where child care and general maintenance. Food and contaminated water into the primary means in the spread of the virus, but contact directly with infected individuals can also be contagious this virus right.

The following are factors that increase the risk of experiencing gastroenteritis.
Ø    Small children. Older children often stricken with viral infections because you don't have a strong immune system.
Ø    School children and living in a dorm. In all the places where many people gather with close proximity can be a factor in the ease of transmission of infection to occur.
Ø    The aged. The immune system in the elderly will decrease.
Ø    Those with weak immune systems. People with certain medical conditions, such as HIV and undergoing chemotherapy, are more at risk of contracting the infection because their immune attack by the conditions they suffered.
Ø    No hand washing with clean. This could increase the risk if performed by a person who is in charge of maintaining or cooking food.
Ø    Taking dirty food. Eating shellfish that are less mature or originate from contaminated water can also make us infected. Snacks purchased from a place that is clean is not guaranteed also increases the risk of getting this infection.

Diagnosis on Gastroenteritis

To ensure the diagnosis of gastroenteritis, the doctor will examine the symptoms and do a physical examination. If needed, your doctor can recommend a useful stool tests to determine the type of organism cause gastroenteritis. In addition to virus, gastroenteritis can also be caused by bacteria and parasites.

The Treatment of Gastroenteritis
The main goal of treatment is to prevent gastroenteritis at the onset of dehydration by consuming lots of water. You may need to be hospitalized to be given fluids through drip if dehydration cases experienced severe enough.
Oral rehydration therapy can be given to help redid

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