Andro femme : Medication for those who wish to be an Andro Femme

Andro femme is a classification that is used to class of women who have same sex sexual orientation and want to transform themselves to be an andro femme, a masculine woman. To be able to do so, there are many ways that they have to do in order to be able to resemble general male characteristics, be it through medication, therapy, personality development, and many more. A person who wishes to be an andro femme must realize that the process are not instant and mostly they require a lot of money to do. To be able to know what things that can be done to change someone in to an andro femme, you can read andro femme reviews, articles and blogs that you can find online.

People who are becoming andro femmes are not only those people who want to dress up the way they want, but there are also sexual orientation matters that need to be solved. To be able to solve the problems which are related with the physical appearance, there are several things that most andro femmes would do, such as going to a beauty parlor and chance up their appearance or they can consult a surgeon to do plastic surgery procedures that they need. Andro femme review, article and blog will show you how to do so by visiting their site online.


    There are many routine medications that can be taken to change a person to be an andro femme. It depends on what you require in order to be able to obtain the look that you want. Most people will work out to bring the best for their physical changes, but some people prefer the easiest and the fastest results that they want. There are many online andro femme reviews sites that you can get in order to list your needs of products which support you to get the andro femme image that you want.

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